Mission and Vision
In 2019, the fourth iteration of the Grand Lodge Strategic Planning Committee was formed to renew the Grand Lodge Strategic Plan. As in the past, the Strategic Planning Committee was made up of a cross-section of Kansas Masons; young and old, large lodges and small lodges, rural lodges and urban lodges, newer Masons and seasoned Masons, etc. The one group that is not allowed to be part of the Strategic Planning Committee are those active in Grand Lodge leadership positions: Elected Officers, ADGMs, and DDGMs. The rank-and-file Members of our Craft in Kansas set the course for the State. They set the Mission and Vision of our Grand Lodge. These are:
Mission Statement
“The Mission of the Grand Lodge of Kansas is to Encourage and Support Freemasonry by Assisting its Brothers and Constituent Lodges. To Achieve Success and Prosperity, as Assets to their Communities.”
Vision Statement
“The Vision of the Grand Lodge of Kansas is an Ideal Masonic Experience in Every Masonic Lodge!”
Personal Growth and Development:
Freemasonry places a strong emphasis on personal growth and development, which can be particularly appealing to men who are looking to improve themselves and their prospects in life. Through the Grand Lodge of Kansas, you’ll tap resources and tools that can help you enhance your skills, knowledge, and abilities, and become a better version of yourself through mentorship and esoteric principles of morality.